Proficiency in English Language - Mandatory for Doctorates

Doctoral students must present proof of proficiency in English for the appointment of the public defense of the thesis, and completion of the doctoral course. 

The following options are accepted as proof of proficiency: 

all_outTOEFL - Internet Based Test - IBT (eletronic) 
Minimum total score: 65 points

all_outIELTS (International English Language Testing System)
Minimum total score: 5 points

all_outTOEFL - ITP (Institutional Testing Program)
Minimum total score: 480 points;

all_outUPW - UFABC Physics Week Proficiency Evaluation 
Minimum total score: approval by 4 out of 5 board members

all_outResidency in an English-speaking country: The student who proves to have resided for one year or more in a country whose official language is English, may be exempted from taking the proficiency exam, at the discretion of the PPG-Physics Coordination, upon presentation of documents proving such stay. 

If the student has taken an English language proficiency exam different from those listed above, but with a similar or equivalent level of difficulty, he/she may request its consideration from the Program Coordination. 


The PPG-Physics promotes an annual scientific event in which the presentation of seminars by Master's and Doctoral students is compulsory. Each presentation is evaluated by a panel of professors and can replace the student activity report if approved. UPW's objectives include encouraging the practice of English in academic activities and creating an environment conducive to the internationalization of our Postgraduate Program in Physics, so part or all of the UPW activities are conducted in English. 

label_outlineMaster's students must present slides in English, but may choose to present and be questioned by the board in Portuguese, in which case English proficiency will not be evaluated. 

labelDoctoral students must present slides in English and must make their presentation, as well as interact with the board, in that language. Each member of the panel will assess whether the student has English proficiency compatible with what is expected of a doctor in physics. Doctoral students considered PROFICIENT at the UPW event will be exempted from submitting other proficiency tests to complete their doctorates, as provided for by the Program's Internal Rules.